Popular Q&A: Athletics

Can Flat Feet Be Turned Into Arches Through Foot Exercises?

Posted By Robyn Hughes, ND

Can flat feet be turned into arches through exercise?

In most cases, yes! In our experience, we’ve found that a combination of certain foot exercises and proper foot and toe positioning is a helpful and effective way to build or restore your main foot arch: the medial longitudinal arch. Many people who have flat feet benefit from exercises that return the big toe to its... Read more

Can Minimalist Footwear & Toe Spacers Help When Hiking?

Posted By Robyn Hughes, ND

Can minimalist footwear and toe spacers help when hiking?

The Natural Footgear team receives lots of messages each day from folks around the world who want to know more about natural foot health and the products we offer. One of the most common questions we receive involves hiking footwear. Specifically: “Can I benefit from minimalist footwear & toe spacers when hiking?” Giving serious consideration to... Read more

How Can I Exercise if I Have Plantar Fasciitis?

Posted By Marty Hughes, DC

How can I exercise if I have plantar fasciitis?

In most cases, the pain or discomfort associated with plantar fasciitis is usually sufficient to thwart participation in athletic activities. Still, athletes who experience this problem may wish to continue exercising while the condition heals, and this may be possible, depending on the severity of the plantar fascia pain and what steps are taken to address... Read more

What Are the Worst Types of Footwear?

Posted By Marty Hughes, DC

What are the worst types of footwear?

In a world filled with generally atrocious and injurious shoes, there are many possible contenders for “worst type of footwear.” In reality, though, there exists a continuum of footwear, ranging from models that are practically unwearable to models that let you realize your full foot potential. Still, some shoes ignominiously rise above the rest when it comes to... Read more

What Is the Best Advice to Deal With Shin Splints?

Posted By Marty Hughes, DC

What Is the Best Advice to Deal With Shin Splints?

Shin splints is among the most painful lower leg problems experienced by athletes and active individuals. The pain associated with shin splints is caused by a disruption of Sharpey’s fibers—collagenous fibers that connect lower leg fascia to the tibia’s periosteum. The impact forces that occur during repetitive stress (especially when using poor footwear) cause excessive... Read more

Why Do My Shoes Always Wear Out in the Same Spot?

Posted By Marty Hughes, DC

Why do my shoes always wear out in the same spot?

The wear pattern you see on the soles of your shoes provides important clues about your gait and how your feet are interacting with the world. The specific wear pattern mentioned above (outside, or “lateral,” heel) is typical among pretty much all wearers of conventional footwear that incorporates heel elevation, rigid soles, and substantial... Read more