Popular Q&A: Arch Stability

Can Flat Feet Be Turned Into Arches Through Foot Exercises?

Posted By Robyn Hughes, ND

Can flat feet be turned into arches through exercise?

In most cases, yes! In our experience, we’ve found that a combination of certain foot exercises and proper foot and toe positioning is a helpful and effective way to build or restore your main foot arch: the medial longitudinal arch. Many people who have flat feet benefit from exercises that return the big toe to its... Read more

Is Barefoot Walking Good for Me?

Posted By Marty Hughes, DC

Is barefoot walking good for me?

Barefoot walking is part of our natural foot health heritage. Our ancestors walked barefoot across a variety of terrain and in a variety of climatic conditions. Many people around the world still walk barefoot, or in minimalist footwear, without experiencing the kind of foot and toe issues—such as bunions, crooked toes, and neuromas—that plague many shoe-wearing individuals. So, is... Read more

What Preventative Exercises Can Strengthen Intrinsic Foot Muscles?

Posted By Robyn Hughes, ND

What preventative exercises can strengthen intrinsic foot muscles?

The intrinsic foot muscles (aka plantar arch muscles) are a group of muscles that originate at the heel bone and attach to the toes. Operating in conjunction with the toe bones to provide a basis of strength, flexibility, and balance, these muscles are integral for optimal foot health. So what exercises can you do to strengthen them?... Read more