Educational Articles

Correct Toes vs. Other Toe Spacers

Posted By Marty Hughes, DC


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February 21, 2021
Rebecca Lehnen

Thanks so much for all the information! Where do you find the thin Velcro straps mentioned in this article to keep the Correct Toes in place? I have only found straps that are 1 inch wide, so too thick.

February 21, 2021
Natural Footgear

Hi, Rebecca,

You are so very welcome!

To answer your question: You will most likely find rolls of velcro at your local home improvement store. Even if the velcro bands only come in a wide width, you can simply use a pair of scissors to cut them to size.

I hope this info helps!

All the best,
Marty Hughes, DC

February 22, 2021
Gloria Krause

I’m looking for a product that will retrain the 4th toe joint to lie flat and untwist the pinky, which lies to the side and slightly under the 4th toe. It seems the only way to retrain them is to place them in the correct position with some restraint yet some flexibility. However, it doesn’t look like this product would do that. Without giving medical advice, might these statements be correct or incorrect? If incorrect, how so? Thanks for any assistance or ideas or direction you may provide.

February 22, 2021
Natural Footgear

Hi, Gloria,

Thank you for your comment. I’m going to suggest that Correct Toes is exactly the product to retrain/realign the 4th and 5th toes. The device operates in a gentle, yet effective way to restore optimal toe alignment and works particularly well for this purpose when used in a weight-bearing situation. Its anatomical design ensures that all toes are naturally (not rigidly) guided into their optimal position, which, when combined with weight-bearing activity (e.g., standing, walking, running, etc.), yields a powerful corrective effect over time.

I’d say, if you’re curious about the device, give it a go and see if it works for you. We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee on Correct Toes, so if you find that it’s not right for you, you can simply send it back to us for a refund.

If you have any other thoughts or questions, please do send them our way!

Kind regards,
Marty Hughes, DC

September 19, 2024
Danielle Hester

I’m interested in knowing more about the shims. I have two coins in between the big toe and second toe space but don’t understand where I would put additional ones. And also, I’m not sure how I would know I needed them.

September 19, 2024
Natural Footgear

Hi, Danielle. Thank you for your question about Correct Toes and “shims.” To answer the first part of your question: In our experience, we’ve found that the best shim material is usually bits of old shoe liners or insoles that have been cut to size with scissors so that they fit perfectly within the cavities of the device. The spongy material of the insole typically fits snugly inside the cavities, and you can often put up to three such shims in each one. It helps to use a pair of tweezers to accomplish this, as the second and third shims can be difficult to get in otherwise. Harder objects, such as coins, may fit well inside the cavities, but they possess a fair bit more rigidity than what’s optimal.

In terms of how you would know you need them, the biggest indication is whether or not the device perfectly aligns your toes with their corresponding metatarsal bones (which is their optimal positioning). If your toe alignment is close but not perfect, you can use the shims to “bulk up” the spacers to help get your toes the rest of the way there. Adding shims can also be helpful for anyone who is rehabilitating a bunion or tailor’s bunion and looking to gain additional space between their first and second or fourth and fifth toes, respectively. For a visual demonstration of how to insert shims into the cavities of the Correct Toes device, please click here:

We hope this info helps, Danielle! Please don’t hesitate to reach back out with any follow-up questions, should they arise.

Yours in Foot Health,
Drs. Marty & Robyn Hughes

January 09, 2025

I have Yoga Toes also and can’t wear them on my fourth and fifth toes, as they are very painful. I am more comfortable with Correct Toes.

January 09, 2025
Natural Footgear

Thank you for your comment, flipflop! I’m glad to hear that you’re having a good experience with Correct Toes, and I wish you much continued success with the device.

Kind regards,
Marty Hughes, DC

January 09, 2025

Just here to comment that Correct Toes is amazing. I was initially skeptical about spending money on toe spacers, but they really do work. After a few months of wearing them at home, buying toe socks, and wearing wide toe box shoes, I feel much better, my feet and toes feel stronger, and I do not have much pain anymore.

January 09, 2025
Natural Footgear

Hello, Andres,

Thank you so much for your comment! We’re thrilled to hear about your experience with the spacers, socks, and footwear and that you’re now pain-free with stronger feet and toes. We wish you much continued success going forward!

Marty Hughes, DC

January 09, 2025
Arvind Chahal

Hi, I live in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. Do you have any stores nearby that I can visit physically and buy the product? Thanks!

January 09, 2025
Natural Footgear

Hi, Arvind,

Thank you for your question. And thank you for your interest in Correct Toes!

In terms of finding Australian stockists of Correct Toes, my best recommendation is to check out this page on the Correct Toes website:

I hope this info helps!

Kind regards,
Marty Hughes, DC

January 14, 2025
Paul McDonald

Hello! Your Shoe Liner Test video says that my foot should fit entirely on the sock liner and not bulge over the sides. Okay, I’ll bite. I have a 6E width foot that is very wide at the midfoot and at the forefoot and toes. I also have a very high instep, so I need extra-depth shoes. I have yet to find a shoe that is wide enough at the toes so that they aren’t compressed together. So what is the point of using Correct Toes and the like when my toes already bulge over the edges of all shoes? You may tell me to try Lems or Altra, but they don’t make 6E width shoes. My toes may be okay, but the rest of my foot would be strangled. I’m happy to get any advice on athletic shoes that would work. I’m not sure you will be able to help, though!

January 14, 2025
Natural Footgear

Hello, Paul,

Many thanks for your comment. It sounds like you’ve got very specific needs, and that can definitely make shoe shopping challenging. Because of your 6E foot width, my best recommendation is to find a wide toe box, zero-drop model with a highly flexible upper that will accommodate your toes and then make alterations to the shoe’s upper—by changing the lacing pattern or tightness or by using a shoe-stretching product—to encourage the footwear to better house the other aspects of your foot (i.e., instep and heel). I’m not currently aware of any foot-healthy models that cater specifically to 6E width feet, but if something comes along, I will happily pass along that info to you.

Kind regards,
Marty Hughes, DC

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