Top 10 Benefits of Correct Toes

Correct Toes, a toe spacing device made of flexible and durable medical grade silicone, is a small but mighty... Read more
We receive a lot of questions about Correct Toes, and this page is dedicated to answering some of the most common ones. If you have a question about Correct Toes that doesn't appear anywhere else on our site, please send it to and we'll post your question and our response here. Our goal is to make sure you understand how best to use this unique foot health product.
We find that most people, most of the time, experience some immediate relief, with continued positive musculoskeletal health benefits occurring over months and years. Of course, results may be different for different people, and the direct and indirect health benefits of Correct Toes depends on many factors, including your age, your tissue mobility, how frequently you use your Correct Toes toe spacers, your physical activity level, and how often you wear appropriate footwear, to name a few factors among many.
For architectural changes to occur in the foot, both time and dedication to Correct Toes use are important. For example, in attempting to reverse a bunion, some movement of the big toe (which is lacking in many patients with this health problem) likely will be visible within a few months of regular Correct Toes use (especially in people who use Correct Toes during weight-bearing activity). Further favorable changes may continue over many months or years.
Wearing Correct Toes is, ultimately, an investment in lifelong foot health. Think of it this way: It took a lifetime for your feet to conform to the narrow toe boxes of conventional footwear. Over many years, your foot shape changed, causing the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and soft tissues involved in standing, walking, and running to adapt to help slow this deformation. In most cases, it's possible to undo these negative changes, but sustained, long-term changes in foot structure take time.
Many people do indeed wear their Correct Toes to bed as a "night splint" to help passively restore toe splay and address a variety of common foot and toe ailments. Perhaps the biggest benefit of wearing Correct Toes during sleep, though, is improved foot and toe circulation. Keeping your toes splayed at night encourages optimal foot blood flow, which means that blood can get into and out of your foot more easily, helping to wash away harmful metabolic byproducts that can accumulate over time and contribute to problems such as plantar fasciosis.
Anecdotally, some people also report that using Correct Toes as a night splint yields a variety of other benefits, including better sleep, less foot cramping, less foot pain upon awakening, etc. Not everyone who uses the device in this way may experience these benefits, but some people do and there is the possibility that you may too. That being said, one potential reason you might not want to use the spacers at night is that, when you're sleeping, you're not “aware” of your feet, and so if there's any numbness, tingling, or skin irritation, it could go unchecked, which is not optimal.
You can use thin velcro straps looped through the cavities in the device to keep your Correct Toes rooted in place overnight. Note: Make sure the straps aren't too tight; just tighten them enough to make sure the spacers stay in place.
So, for some people, wearing Correct Toes at night can indeed be helpful in improving foot health, but to get the most benefit out of your toe spacers, it's best to use them while weight bearing (i.e., standing, walking, or running). The greatest corrective effect occurs when you wear your Correct Toes inside footwear with an appropriately wide toe box and then participate in weight-bearing activities that impart forces through the joints and tissues of your properly splayed toes. Your tissues will adapt to these forces over time, and your toes will begin to spread out and your foot will become stronger.
Wearing Correct Toes while weight bearing is crucial in achieving long-lasting natural foot health, but there are several other things you can do to help enhance the effectiveness of the toe spacing device. Key among these is performing specific foot exercises, including the Big Toe Stretch, Hammertoe Stretch & Mobilization, and Toe Extensor Stretch. Choosing the appropriate footwear is also extremely important.
Getting into a pair of men's or women's wide toe box shoes (specifically, shoes that are widest at the ends of the toes, not the ball of the foot) is vitally important in preventing additional toe deformities and in creating the circumstances that allow for true toe rehabilitation. So, a wide toe box shoe is crucial in preventing a worsening of foot problems, and it's part (but not all) of the foot and toe rehabilitation process.
Most of us have worn conventional footwear with constricting toe boxes for decades, and so it takes some serious work and dedication to regain our natural foot health heritage. For most, simply using wide toe box footwear alone is not enough to achieve optimal toe straightening; many of us possess toe deformities that require a more active approach to remedy. A toe spacing device, such as Correct Toes, is an effective tool in reorienting the toes to the position that nature intended. Weight-bearing activity (standing, walking, running) with the toes held in their normal anatomical position is necessary to enable natural toe splay. For other ideas about how to naturally rehabilitate your feet and toes, please visit this blog post.
The above content is for educational or informational purposes only and is not intended to replace or augment professional medical instruction, diagnosis, or treatment. Read full disclaimer here.$65.00
Correct Toes, a toe spacing device made of flexible and durable medical grade silicone, is a small but mighty... Read more
Correct Toes is a toe spacing device that is beloved by many for its ability to address a wide... Read more
Please describe how to use velcro straps looped through the cavities in Correct Toes. Thank you!
Hello, Kate,
Thank you for your posted inquiry. We are happy to send you a personal email with detailed photos of how to make use of this clever technique to help your Correct Toes fit optimally, and we will do that presently. Thank you again for writing!
All best,
Sarah K. Schuetz
I’m also interested in how to use velcro straps to keep the spacers in place. Could you give me some info about this, please? Thank you!
Hi, Alberto,
Thank you for your question. Please check out the link below to view an image of the velcro loop technique:
Marty Hughes, DC
Would it be okay to wear toe separators in shoes during the day?
Hi, Angel,
Thank you for your question. In our experience, we’ve found that wearing Correct Toes inside shoes with a sufficiently wide toe box in a weight-bearing situation (e.g., standing, walking, running) yields the greatest corrective effect on the toes. So, wearing the spacers inside appropriately wide toe box footwear throughout the day is a great goal for anyone looking to truly rehabilitate their feet and toes.
It’s important to start in gradually, though, slowly building up wear-time with the spacers and wide toe box footwear to allow the body time to adapt. Consider starting with 30 minutes the first few days and then building up wear-time to tolerance as the days and weeks go on.
I hope this information is helpful for you. If you have further questions, please do let us know!
Kind Regards,
Andrew Potter
I am interested in your product because it can be worn at night or in shoes. Please explain where I can get velcro straps that don’t irritate my toes. I didn’t see velcro straps in your product description.
Hi, Louise,
Thank you for your question. Velcro straps, of the kind that are seen in this image (, can be found at home improvement stores such as Lowe’s or even at certain art supply stores.
I hope this information has been helpful for you. Please let us know if you have further questions or concerns!
Kind Regards,
Andrew Potter
The angle between my big toe and little toe is less boxy than the Correct Toes. Can Correct Toes toe spacers be heated up and reshaped? Thanks.
Hi, Wayne,
Thank you for your question. Though Correct Toes is highly customizable, we wouldn’t recommend heating up the device in an attempt to reshape it. Better to try one (or more) of the many possible modifications you can make to fit the spacers to your unique toes:
Please let us know if there is anything else we can assist you with!
All the best,
Marty Hughes, DC
Can Correct Toes be worn with orthotics? Thank you.
Hi, Mary,
Thank you for posting your question! We have put together a short article that discusses this very topic, and I recommend that you give it a look to learn more about Correct Toes and orthotics:
Please let us know if you have any further questions about the interplay between toe spacers and orthotics.
Kind regards,
Marty Hughes, DC
Can the toe spacers/correctors be used and worn comfortably with popular athletic shoes that have a wide enough toe box, such as Nike, New Balance, Asics, etc.?
Great question, Adam! Thank you for posting it. Most popular athletic shoes will not be able to accommodate Correct Toes, and trying to use the device inside any shoe with a tapering toe box would be counterproductive from a foot health and function standpoint. To know for sure if a given shoe will comfortably accommodate the spacers (and your foot, for that matter!), we recommend that you perform the Shoe Liner Test:
Please let us know if you have any additional questions!
All the best,
Marty Hughes, DC