Heel Pain: Conventional vs. Natural Approaches

Plantar fasciosis is a common cause of heel pain, but another problem that can cause heel pain is bursitis, specifically, infracalcaneal bursitis—irritation of the fluid-filled sac that... Read more
Bursitis: Inflammation of a bursa, or fluid-filled sac.
Bursae are situated in various locations throughout the body where friction between tissues commonly occurs. These sacs are designed to help reduce friction and prevent pain. Repetitive movements or prolonged and excessive pressure are the most common causes of bursal inflammation, though traumatic injury may also cause this painful problem. In fact, the body sometimes creates bursal sacs in response to trauma or tissue damage.
Infracalcaneal bursitis (inflammation of the bursa below the calcaneus, or heel bone) is one of the most common types of bursitis in the foot. Infracalcaneal bursitis can sometimes be difficult to differentiate from plantar fasciosis—another condition that causes pain below the heel. The key difference is that infracalcaneal bursitis tends to be worse at the end of the day whereas plantar fascia pain tends to be worse in the morning, immediately upon waking.
Infracalcaneal bursitis can significantly affect a person’s quality of life and his or her ability to perform activities of daily living, due to pain and impaired gait. This foot health problem may be diagnosed in several ways, including by palpation, or light pressure applied to the affected area by a healthcare practitioner. If the heel pain has existed for a long time, X-ray imaging studies may reveal localized calcification in the infracalcaneal bursa, though this is not always the case. MRI images are sometimes used as a diagnostic tool for this health problem, though MRI studies are considered unnecessary for diagnosis in many cases.
Common signs and symptoms associated with infracalcaneal bursitis include:
Feet are extremely resilient and are designed to stand up to the pressures of day-to-day living. In some cases, though, foot structures may break down when subjected to chronic stress associated with long periods of weight-bearing activity on concrete, asphalt, or other hard surfaces (especially when footwear does not allow for proper weight distribution). Foot problems, including infracalcaneal bursitis, are often made worse by poorly designed footwear, and pressure, impact, and shear forces can damage the feet over time. Bursal sacs are intended to minimize this damage, but sometimes the bursa itself becomes inflamed. A rapid increase in physical activity levels or thinning of the heel’s protective fat pad are factors that may contribute to infracalcaneal bursitis. Other possible causes of infracalcaneal bursitis include:
The following factors may increase a person’s risk of bursitis, including infracalcaneal bursitis:
Here are some of the most effective treatments for infracalcaneal bursitis:
In rare cases, more aggressive treatment methods may be required, such as cortisone injections or surgery to drain the bursal sac. Always consult your physician before beginning any healthcare regimen designed to treat infracalcaneal bursitis.
The above content is for educational or informational purposes only and is not intended to replace or augment professional medical instruction, diagnosis, or treatment. Read full disclaimer here.$20.00
Plantar fasciosis is a common cause of heel pain, but another problem that can cause heel pain is bursitis, specifically, infracalcaneal bursitis—irritation of the fluid-filled sac that... Read more
Severe pain, swelling, bruising, and an inability to bear weight are symptoms that could indicate a serious foot problem. Damage to your foot's muscles, tendons, ligaments, or... Read more