Educational Articles

How to Transition to Minimalist Shoes

Posted By Robyn Hughes, ND


The above content is for educational or informational purposes only and is not intended to replace or augment professional medical instruction, diagnosis, or treatment. Read full disclaimer here.

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April 16, 2015

Thanks! Excellent presentation. Good to learn about thicker-soled Altra and Luna shoes; and answered my question on metatarsal pads. Also learned how to determine an appropriate wide toe box.

April 16, 2015
Natural Footgear

It’s our pleasure! We’re glad that you enjoyed the article, and we really appreciate your kind words. If you have any additional questions about the content in this article (or about natural foot health approaches in general), please do let us know!

Kind regards,
Marty Hughes, DC

April 16, 2015
Albert Posthumus

Thanks for all the information about transition to the best way of using our feet and toes. Since december last year I started to forefoot strike, and its going better and better. Excellent website!!!!!

Albert Posthumus
The Netherlands

April 16, 2015
Natural Footgear

Hi, Albert,

Thank you for your message and your kind words! We are thrilled that you’ve been enjoying our site. It’s our pleasure to be able to offer helpful info and products that support natural foot health. If you have any additional thoughts or questions, please do send them our way.

Kind regards,
Marty Hughes, DC

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