Correct Toes & Balance

Users of Correct Toes toe spacers experience many health benefits, including improved toe alignment and foot structure, increased intrinsic foot muscle strength, enhanced foot and toe circulation,... Read more
Listed below are numerous journal articles, magazine and blog articles, and books that support a barefoot or minimalist shoe model for injury-free walking or running. These studies and books discuss the merits of barefoot living and the injuries commonly associated with the use of conventional footwear. Some of the articles discuss specific conditions, such as bunions, plantar fasciosis, and knee osteoarthritis. This body of work, in combination with the empirical evidence gained from clinical and personal experience, forms the foundation for our conservative approach to foot and lower extremity musculoskeletal problems.
The above content is for educational or informational purposes only and is not intended to replace or augment professional medical instruction, diagnosis, or treatment. Read full disclaimer here.$65.00
Users of Correct Toes toe spacers experience many health benefits, including improved toe alignment and foot structure, increased intrinsic foot muscle strength, enhanced foot and toe circulation,... Read more
Knee osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease, is a common health problem in the United States, especially among the elderly. This health problem, notes the American Academy of... Read more