
Foot blisters are a problem that most people experience at some point during their lives. Blisters are usually caused by friction from shoes or socks rubbing repeatedly... Read more
Plantar Wart: A hard, rough growth that occurs on the heel or the ball of the foot.
Plantar warts, also called verruca plantaris, are a buildup of skin on the bottom of the feet. Plantar warts are benign skin growths caused by the human papillomavirus, or HPV. This virus enters the body through small cuts or breaks in the skin of the feet. The buildup of thick, irregular skin on the bottom of the feet that characterizes plantar warts is sometimes confused with calluses, due to their similar appearance. But calluses are caused by rubbing or friction, not a viral infection.
Calluses on the bottom of the foot most commonly develop under weight-bearing bones, such as the metatarsal bones in the ball of the foot. Plantar warts, however, may develop on any part of the foot’s skin. This information can be helpful in differentiating plantar warts from calluses. Also helpful is the fact that calluses may hurt when direct pressure is placed upon them, whereas plantar warts often hurt when they are squeezed.
Most warts, including plantar warts, are round or oval growths that are raised from the skin and possess a rough surface. Warts, relative to normal skin, can be lighter or darker in color. Some warts may even be black.
Plantar warts that grow beneath pressure points on the foot, such as the heel or the ball of the foot, may grow inward under a callus. Most plantar warts are not serious and may not need treatment. In some cases, however, plantar warts may cause pain or discomfort. Some plantar warts may resolve without treatment, although this process can take up to two years. Warts that disappear, treated or otherwise, frequently recur. Any type of wart can spread to another part of the body.
Some of the most common signs and symptoms associated with plantar warts include:
HPV is the cause of plantar warts. Over 100 types of HPV exist, although only several types have been linked to plantar warts. Plantar warts can occur in people of all ages, although children and teenagers and people with low immune function are more likely to develop this health problem.
Attempts to rebalance the feet using natural foot health approaches will not be successful in treating plantar warts, as warts are caused by a viral infection, and the virus must be destroyed. Many methods may be used to achieve this health goal, including the use of topical acid preparations, such as salicylic acid. Here are some more details about common plantar wart treatments:
The above content is for educational or informational purposes only and is not intended to replace or augment professional medical instruction, diagnosis, or treatment. Read full disclaimer here.$14.00
Keeping your feet dry is important in preventing blisters, warts, and fungal skin and nail problems. Consider incorporating the following tips into your daily routine to keep... Read more