Correct Toes: Results & Expectations

“When can I expect to see results?” This is a question people often ask about Correct Toes, which makes perfect sense given that most users find their... Read more
Products offered by Natural Footgear are intended to improve your quality of life, reduce your likelihood of experiencing common foot and lower extremity problems, and address the underlying cause of your foot pain or discomfort. Many people derive significant benefit from our products and information, but the use of these things does not guarantee a favorable health outcome and should not replace the advice provided to you by your physician. Natural foot health products should always be used conservatively at first, until your body has sufficiently adapted to the changes these products encourage.
A lifetime spent in conventional footwear changes the anatomy and/or tone of certain foot joints and tendons and other tissues in your lower extremities. Recovering your natural foot health heritage may take significant time, and you should understand that noticeable changes in your foot structure may occur slowly (though pain and other symptoms may dissipate quickly with the adoption of healthy foot habits and natural footgear). In most cases, a “break-in period” is necessary to allow your body to accept the changes and positive adaptations taking place. This usually means wearing your new footgear (foot-healthy shoes, Correct Toes, metatarsal pads, etc.) for short periods at first (30 minutes per day) and then gradually increasing your use of these products over time (often by 30 minutes to 1 hour per day, to tolerance).
Some people may experience mild foot soreness during the first few days of natural foot product use. This is a normal response. However, if you have any concerns, please do consult your doctor. Some individuals should avoid using natural foot health products, particularly Correct Toes, due to existing medical problems. If you have diabetes and experience diminished sensation in your feet, you should avoid using Correct Toes. You also should avoid using Correct Toes if you experience decreased foot circulation caused by peripheral arterial disease. If you have unique foot anatomy (e.g., webbed toes, club foot, or other congenital deformities), or if you have had foot surgery, review your foot care options with your doctor before using natural foot health products. Always ask your healthcare provider if natural foot health products are appropriate for you and your specific health problems.
The above content is for educational or informational purposes only and is not intended to replace or augment professional medical instruction, diagnosis, or treatment. Read full disclaimer here.$65.00
“When can I expect to see results?” This is a question people often ask about Correct Toes, which makes perfect sense given that most users find their... Read more
Strutz foot pads are simple and unobtrusive, possess a sleek, low-profile design, and serve as a sort of “mobile” metatarsal... Read more